Tender Notes Tin with Ruinart Blanc de Blanc 750ml
Tender Notes Tin with Ruinart Blanc de Blanc 750ml
Gathered for You is a considered grazing hamper meticulously curated to bring light and love into your home or into the home of your loved ones. Each hamper includes a selection of thoughtful edibles from passionate, local and international makers and artisans. It is delivered directly to your door to enjoy in the comfort of your own home.
What's Included
What's Included
The 'Tender Notes' tin is a curated collection of our daily sweets. It includes an assortment of sweets to fill the heart;
Meringue Bow Biscuit, Hazelnut Marshmallows, Signature Joy Drops (almond base, butter caramel, dipped in churns rolled in roasted nuts), Dark Chocolate Truffles, Butter Caramels, Coffee Infused Caramelised Chocolate Coated Almonds, Milk Chocolate Covered Almonds, & Choc Vanilla Swirls.
Ruinart Blanc de Blanc 750ml
Chardonnay is the very soul of Ruinart. The grape, mainly harvested from the Côte des Blancs and Montagne de Reims terroirs, is at the heart of this cuvée. A large majority of Premiers Crus from the Côte des Blancs and Montagne de Reims vineyards for aromatic refinement, supplemented by Sézannais wines known to provide maturity. Finally, several wines from the north of the Vesle valley give a light, fresh touch. Beautiful pale golden yellow color with gentle green reflections, a vibrant, luminous colour. Active effervescence with a persistent release of bubbles.
Important Information
Important Information
If you would like to include a typed notecard with your hamper, simply leave your message in the notecard box provided.
Substitutions for dietary requirements and preferences can be made so please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Variations may occur to the menu due to the seasonal and artisanal nature of our products.
Whilst care is taken items may come in to contact with wheat, eggs, gluten, peanuts, tree nuts, milk and seafood.
Delivery Information
Delivery Information
Delivery of your Gathered for You hamper will occur between 8am-4pm on your selected date. If you would like a non-contact delivery service, please leave a comment in the notes section upon checkout.
Delivery is available throughout Sydney. You can see the delivery rate for your area by simply typing in your postcode when you check out your cart. If you are outside of our delivery area, please email and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Please note that if there is not a safe place to leave the delivery a re-delivery fee may occur. For optimum enjoyment it is recommend that the hampers are not left out.