G.H.Mumm Cordon Rouge Champagne 750ml
G.H.Mumm Cordon Rouge Champagne 750ml
Made from a rich palette of more than 120 villages representing all the diversity of the Champagne region of France, Mumm Cordon Rouge is the signature cuvee of Maison Mumm. This exceptional brut champagne blends Mumm’s signature grape variety, Pinot Noir from the Montagne de Reims and Aube; with Chardonnay from the Côte des Blancs, Sézannais, Vitryat and Aube; and Meunier from the Marne and Ardre valleys and the Montagne de Reims.
(Champagne packaging may differ depending on the shipment).
Note this product is available as a hamper add-on only.
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